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convenience store artinya

contoh kalimat "convenience store"
  • I also produce convenience store only jam buns.
    Kemudian aku membuka toko "Jam Bread" di dekatnya.
  • I went to the convenience store last night, all right?
    Aku pergi ke toko kelontong semalam.
  • Robbery at the convenience store on Brand and Paulson.
    Perampokan di toko.... ...di Brand dan Paulson.
  • Is that your friend from the convenience store?
    Apa ini temanmu yang di toko waktu itu?
  • Should we go to the convenience store to eat?
    Kita harus pergi ke toko untuk makan?
  • Go inside a convenience store and grab a beer.
    Masuklah ke sebuah toko dan beli sekaleng bir.
  • Not in the car. - Here's a convenience store.
    jangan didalam mobil. ltu ada toko.
  • I had her at a convenience store.
    I was with her toko. Dia kembali lagi.
  • Because you did not come to the convenience store,
    Karena kau tidak datang ke toko,
  • Convenience store around the corner was hit.
    Toserba yang ada di sudut baru saja dirampok.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a store selling a limited variety of food and pharmaceutical items; open long hours for the convenience of customers